Gates & Railings

Victorian  wrought iron garden gate.

1210mm max. height x 860mm in width inc. hinges.

Good solid condition.



An antique wrought iron garden gate.

1075mm in width inc. hinges x 1100mm max. height.

A nice old gate in great original condition with working latch.



Victorian hoop top wrought iron railing.

Approx. 15.5 running metres in total length.

1010mm in height / 105mm gap between bars.

Section lengths of : 2 @2730mm, 2690mm, 2680mm, 1960mm, 1010mm, 960mm & 720mm.

Good solid metalwork with some minor bends but generally pretty straight –  images of all 8 sections available.



Antique wrought iron pedestrian gate.

935mm in height x 955mm in width inc. hinges but not latch.

A nice old gate in great original condition with working latch.



A 19th century wrought iron blacksmithmade estate gate.

1130mm wide inc. hinges x 1375mm max. height.

A very heavy & solid riveted gate in good original condition bar one small patch of rust shown in images – this does not affect the functionality or structural integrity of the gate in any way.



A very nice Victorian blacksmithmade wrought iron garden gate.

Great original condition with no damage, no bends & a working latch.

1020mm in width inc. hinge  x 1100mm max.height.



2 lengths of early 19th century wrought iron railing.

Max. lengths of 2360mm & 3140mm x 640mm max. height.

Bars 10mm in thickness / Gaps 90mm – 95mm in width.



A Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1375mm max. height x 865mm in width inc. hinges.

A solid gate but no latch currently fitted and some losses to the scroll work.



 A Victorian wrought iron garden gate. 

910mm max. height x 965mm in width inc. hinges.

Sandblasted & primed.



A very heavy Victorian  wrought iron pedestrian side gate.

2100mm max. height x 856mm in width.

Fully functioning latch.

A very solid gate in good original condition.



Victorian cast iron gate posts.

3 posts @ 59″ x 2″x 2″ – SOLD.

Half section – 30 1/4″ – £50

Sandblasted & primed.


A 19th century wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1470mm max. height x 1080mm in width inc. hinge fittings.

A  very solid gate but lock & handle are seized.



3 matching very heavy Victorian cast iron gateposts.

2350mm max. length with approx. 1440mm above ground.

75mm square section at bottom hinge level.

Foot : 455mm x 300mm.

Left : a receiving post with original keep & an additional keep bolted over it – SOLD

Middle : a hinge post with only a bottom hinge pin fitted which is slightly bent.

Right :  a hinge post with 2 hinge pins fitted but bottom one is damaged but repairable – SOLD

Hinge pins are bolted on through square holes cast into the posts so can be removed / replaced easily.

£250 each



A Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1330mm in height x 1130mm in width inc. hinge.

A very solid old gate in  good original condition with functioning latch.



A rare matching pair of single antique estate gates.

Heavy and well made in riveted wrought iron.

2857mm in length including hinge & latch x 1170mm max. height.

Generally in good solid condition but for a few bends that may need straightening, a missing latch on one gate and small loses to 2 of the cast iron motifs.

Would make a very nice set of 18 foot wide entrance gates with relatively little work.

More images available.



A single Victorian cast iron receiving gate post.

1650mm in total height x approx. 60mm in section.

Receiver bed 950mm up from ground level.

Good solid condition.

£ 175


  A Victorian wrought iron garden gate.

825mm in width not inc. hinges x 1015mm max. height.

Good solid gate with latch in good working order



Victorian wrought iron gate.

1315mm max, height x 870mm in width inc. hinge.




A Victorian wrought iron garden gate with matching railings.

Gate : 1310mm  in height x 880mm in width inc. hinges.

Railing: 3630mm max. length x 520mm max. height.



A small reclaimed  garden  gate.

780mm in width inc. hinges x 940mm in height.

A nice solid little gate with latch in good working order.



A pair of Art Deco iron gates with solid brass top horizontal rail.

1488mm total width x 705mm max. height x 55mm.

Good original condition.



A small Victorian wrought iron garden gate.

792mm in width inc. hinges x 938mm max. height.

Solid & in good original condition with working latch.



A set of antique wrought iron double entrance gates.

Max. height of 1435mm and widths of 1035mm & 1575mm to include hinges.

Total width of approx. 2610mm inc. hinges.

A few small welding repairs have been made before being sandblasted, coated in zinc primer and then powder coated in black.

These gates are very solid and are ready to hang.

More images available.



2017-23-03 Wrought iron railing 1A-450 2017-23-03 Wrought iron railing 1B-450 Victorian wrought iron railing – originally in between brick / stone pillars .

Max. height of 460mm & 490mm x 1900mm.

£45 each


A Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate with hanging post & section of railing.

Gate : 1305mm in width  inc. hinges x 1245mm in height.

Post : approx. 1355mm in height x 50mm square section – NB Gate does not sit on top hinge pin (see image).

Railing : 1855mm in length x 1175mm in height.

Total width approx. 3170mm.



An antique wrought iron estate gate.

1115mm max. height x 1110mm in width inc. hinges.

A heavy & solid gate.

Loss to top right & numerous bends but could be used as is.



Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate.

950mm in height x 1050mm in width inc. hinges.

Very nice condition – looks to have been cleaned up and repainted quite recently.



Antique blacksmithmade wrought iron estate gate.

1290mm in width inc. hinges x 1270mm max. height.

Solid gate in great original condition.



A Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate and length of matching railing.

Gate : 1220mm in height x 950mm in width inc. hinge.

Railing : 3250mm in length x 585mm max. height.

£ 395


Heavy duty Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate with original posts.

Gate : 1340mm in height x 1125mm width inc hinge.

Posts diameter :  75mm.

Posts length : Original foot of both posts has been broken off below ground level so may need sleeving prior to installation.

Currently 1630mm & 1665mm in length with approx. 1450mm being above ground level.



Antique blacksmithmade riveted wrought iron field gate.

A very straight gate with fully functional latch.

2750mm in width  inc. hinge x 1150mm height at latch end / 1210mm at hinge end.

The bottom rail has been replaced at some point many decades ago.



A very heavy duty antique blacksmithmade riveted wrought iron field / entrance gate.

Latch  fully functional.

1420mm max. height x 2855mm in width  inc. hinge.

Generally a very solid gate usable as is but could do with welding in a few places & some original rivets being replaced.

Fairly straight but  a little wonky  as shown in images.




A single Victorian cast iron receiving gate post marked “Baylis, Jones & Baylis, Wolverhampton”.

1910mm in total height with approx. 1460mm being above ground level.

Slight taper in round section 65mm – 70mm.

Receiver slot 540mm – 610mm down from top. 

Good solid condition other than loss at base.

£ 175


A 19th century wrought iron blacksmithmade riveted field gate.

Right hand end has been cut off but very solid – could be used as is or repaired.

1355mm max. height x 1820mm in width.



A pair of  Victorian wrought iron driveway entrance gates.

Total width of 3010mm inc. hinges.

Max. height of 1595mm.

£ 1500


A wide 19th century wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1235mm max. height x 1435mm max. width

Some pitting to ironwork &  flaking paint but a good solid & well made gate with functioning spring latch.



Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate with its original cast iron posts.

Gate : 930mm in width not inc. latch & hinge x 1290mm max.  height. Sandblasted, zinc primed & matt black powder coated.

Posts : 1260mm in height x 95mm square section . Sandblasted & primed.

Excellent condition.

Matches GRX038.




Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate with its original cast iron posts.

Gate : 915mm in width not inc. latch & hinge x 1350mm max.  height. Sandblasted, zinc primed & matt black powder coated.

Posts : 1275mm in height x 100mm square section . Sandblasted & primed.

Excellent condition.

Matches GRX037.



  19th century wrought iron estate gate with new latch fitted.

1145mm max. height x 900mm in width inc. hinge.

£ 295


A 19th century wrought iron blacksmithmade estate gate.

1140mm wide inc. hinges x 1165mm max. height.

A very solid riveted gate in good original condition bar one small patch of rust shown in images – this does not affect the functionality or structural integrity of the gate in any way.

The gate has been sandblasted, zinc primed & powder coated in black and is ready to hang.



A very pretty Victorian wrought iron garden gate.

1585mm in height x 1000mm max. width.

A good solid gate in great original condition.



Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate with hanging post.

Gate 1230mm max. height.

Gate & post 1015mm total width.

Post 1350mm in height.

£ 395


Heavy duty Victorian wrought iron railings with large cast iron finials.

Finials : 215mm x 92mm.

Vertical bars : 25mm round section x 1130mm in length inc. finial / 69 in total.

Ironwork in very good condition but repairs needed to horizontal rail. With finials at the current 150mm centres, enough to make a run of  34 1/2 feet / 10.35 metres.



A 19th century wrought iron kissing gate.

Gate : 1180mm high  x 905mm wide inc. hinges.

Half round section :

Approx. 980mm in diameter x 1510mm max. height.

Original “feet” have rusted away where they’ve been below ground which is common. All 4 have had welded extensions, 2 of which may need extending further.

A few bends but ironwork is generally very good & solid.



A pair of Victorian wrought iron driveway gates.

1380mm in height x 2532mm in total width inc. hinges.

Sandblasted & primed.



Victorian wrought iron garden gate.

1090mm in height x 780mm in width inc. hinge.



Victorian wrought iron garden gate with matching railing & receiving post.

Gate : 1065mm in height x 850mm in width inc. hinge.

Railing : 4300mm in length x 530mm max. height.



A heavy Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1120mm max. height x 930mm in width not inc. hinges.



Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1210mm x 830mm in width.



A Victorian  wrought iron  garden gate.

1315mm in height x 830mm in width.



A large & very heavy Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate.

NB. Lock / latch no longer functional.

1570mm max.height x 1390mm in width inc. hinge x 45mm thickness.



A Victorian wrought iron garden gate.

1190mm x 880mm in width inc. hinge.



An early 19th century wrought iron pedestrian estate gate.

1030mm in width including hinges x 1265mm  max. height.

New latch fitted.



A 19th century wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1265mm in width inc. hinges x 1275mm in height.



A very heavy Victorian wrought iron pedestrian gate.

1233mm max. width  x 1530mm in height.



A pair of heavy wrought iron Victorian church gates.

1600mm max. height x 2040mm in width.

Currently missing a latch.



A reclaimed steel  garden gate.

1470mm x 805mm in width inc. hinge.

